
Underwriting : case preparation

The documents below are made available to you to facilitate the exchange of information with our teams and optimize the underwriting process.

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Cover letter_examples Cover letter_Content Checklist

Implementation Guides

The technical documents below are made available to you to deepen your understanding of the strategies and concepts or prepare their deployment.

Immediate financing arrangement (IFA)


iA Large case tool (Download and enable macros*)

This tool illustrates the following concepts:

  • SOCII: Shared ownership critical illness insurance
  • IRS: Insured retirement strategy
  • LIAC: Life insurance as an asset class

*If macros are blocked by your administrator:

  1. Right click on the Excel file before opening it
  2. Properties
  3. General tab
  4. Security section: Check "Unblock"
Read the documentation